2021 in Review – 6 Months Later

First of all, apologies I completely forgot to make this post lol. Well better now than never right?


The year started out strong. I am a mommy of a 3 month old baby. However, around the middle of January, my 3 month old baby had to go through surgery.


Flashback to around November or December we discovered Zayd has something called a inguinal hernia, basically in Brunei we call it burut. Hernias basically occurs when tissue, such as part of the intestine, protrudes through a weak spot in the abdominal muscles. This means, Zayd has to go through corrective surgery.

The surgery went well, and after weaning off the anaesthesia, Zayd became a happy baby again. To mommies out there contemplating the surgery, please dont worry! Just do it cause lapas atu we didnt have to worry apa apa lagi and he was discharged from review like 6 months later. Highly recommend!


My first time visiting RB Campus and the Brunei International Airport! This was super memorable as I never see just how much goes on beyond the scenes in an airport. Btw as I am writing this down, gosh remember what life was before the mandatory masking? So carefree lol.

Sold my car (CT200h) and got a new one (UX)!


As a birthday gift, finally learned how to sew! Thank you to Etah Studio who was super patient ❤ Now me ada cita cita to sew more and have a sewing room.

I had a lovely all white birthday party with my closest friends!

May we all get the chance to have a do like this again! I completely enjoyed the night!


Ramadhan has come upon us, and I felt so busy! Zayd started eating, but i was only giving him jarred purees and random fruits like papaya and banana. Not much thought went into his meals.

I remember being super busy both at work (so much going on including a 24 hour overnight shooting!) and also doing Ramadhan coverage.

Additionally we were staying in my in laws’ place as we had some renovations done to our bedroom that time, so I was really feeling displaced and out of body!

Reminder to take things a bit slower this year.

Managed to organize a birthday do for my lovely husband tho:


Hari Raya came! My first hari raya as a mommy.

Finally starting to feed Zayd properly.

We even organized an open house!

We also celebrated my mom’s birthday. I remember last minute, my dad wanted to do this and I had to organize the menu and room in less than 5 hours lol.

Did a Friends themed party!


We always go cuti cuti Temburong huhu!

Donated blood!

Around this time, Zayd officially started baby led weaning (BLW)! Such a blast and I highly recommend iT!

Got the turtles a new hotel

Did a Malaysian themed river cruise with Tourism Malaysia


Celebrated 10 years of working in Baiduri Bank! Definitely an achievement lol. Still remember my first day of work.

Manage to complete the Alpha Challenge 2021 in slightly better shape than 2020.

And this was the final time I saw people before the second wave of COVID19 hit and changed our lives. Vaccine pun alum ada apa.


Final day of work before I go working from home for the rest of the year. Cuba liat ni mask pun bida!

This was the moment I realise I need to upgrade my home office cause my back hurts so much from sitting all day. Patang tu tarus bali office chair and the upgrading works continued until now!


Nothing really happened in September lol. We stayed at home all the time. Oh I got fully vaccinated I guess.


Zayd’s first birthday!

November & December

Nothing much happened the rest of the year just work, gardening and lockdown. I didnt take care of my health although attempted personal training end of year (December). Well, staying at home means i cook whatever i like all the time anytime i want, and though i ate wholesomely, it was usually fattening ahhaha.

Created many great moments with Zayd and for that I am truly grateful. Overall a super challenging year, and I thought I did ok considering.

Key Takeaways from 2021

  • Don’t take health for granted
  • Cherish every moment and don’t put off things that are important
  • Blessed to have my own comfortable home which has been a sanctuary this lockdown

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