I can hear the bells

My battery has arrived! =D

As I’ve informed everyone, my laptop battery died on me the same time as my charger did. So obviously unless I’d rather be stuck with an extremely unportable laptop, I’d actually have to fork out a major sum to purchase a new laptop battery.

Anyway, so after deciding that buying from the supposed “Apple Store” in Kiulap is too expensive ($288), I decided to just go ahead and bid on eBay for the same item. I was quite pleased that there were actually quite a few sellers willing to ship to Brunei (unlike the charger).

I ended up losing two bids, but they say three time’s a charm! I finally won with a bid of AU$58.99. That amount, plus shipping (AUD$19), is roughly BND$110? Much less than it’s price at the Apple Store. This also includes a one year warranty.

Here it is still in the envelope. I came and got the package from the Berakas Mail Processing Center this morning. I had to open the package at the Customs and Excise booth to show the officers the insides. Then they gave me a nice little surprise!

Apparently I had to pay import duties! Hahaa, damn, they should’ve warned me in the brown card they mail us. Call me ignorant, but until this morning I have absolutely no idea that electrical goods get levied such taxes.

Now close friends of mine will know that I seldom carry any cash (except for coins) around with me, as I prefer to pay everything using my debit card (safer for someone like me who tend to lose wallets and other important things). So there I was stuck in a funny situation of being cashless and owing $18.30 in taxes! In the end I had to sign a detention form while I go skulk around looking for an ATM machine.

Another funny thing about this import duties business is how vague the whole system works.

Officer: Apa dalamnya ni dayang? (What’s inside the box?)

Me: Bateri untuk laptop (Battery for laptop)

Officer: Berapa harganya dayang membali? (How much was it?)

Me: Errr, antah ah. Tujuh puluh ringgit Ostarlia perasanku. (Errr, I’m not really sure. Seventy Australian dollars?)

Officer: Ah ok, *counting on his calculator* ada tax ni ah, *shows calculator screen* BND$18.30. (Oh ok, there is a tax on this item amounting to BND$18.30)

I felt like kicking myself in the butt then. I really should’ve said it was AUD$20 or something because guess what? They do not check the invoice to see if you are telling the truth or not. For your information, the taxes are 20% of the total price of purchase (including shipping). The officer was quite vague on what items get taxed and what items doesn’t.

I’m still thinking about why is this not written anywhere? Maybe it is? Oh well, it’s okay, now I know. NOW I KNOW. Next time I know what to answer when they ask me. I am evil.

This was inside. I’m glad they didn’t check it. Nyahaha.

The box inside the envelope.

A very very confusing manual included with the battery.

The battery wrapped in a silver sheet.

Awwww, the new baby.

Inserting the battery.

It fits! It looks painfully brand new. My laptop looks old and brown.

Press on button.

Tadaaaaaaaa!!!!! *happy*


Ebay rawks!

9 thoughts on “I can hear the bells

  1. good to see u having nice new battery for ur laptop. hey! dat’s mike’s folder u hav der in the last pic.. 🙂 anyway, juz wanna give u one tip for taking good care of ur laptop battery. dun attach ur battery to ur laptop while charging n using ur laptop. it shortens the life of ur battery. so, it is better to take it off. 🙂 ok hav a good time wit ur new laptop battery.


  2. yup, immigration do charge you with taxes. the same goes for airports. if they suspicions that you have something electrical you brought home from another country, you need to fork out 10% ( i think) of the value of the item in question. so yes.. being evil will definitely help your wallet. hehe


  3. Keisuke hahahah yea! that’s mike’s folder! have you done his assignment??? and thanks for the tip! 😀

    Tina, *slaps forehead* oh yeaaaa, ada kali ah! LOL… Inda tepikir. ngaleh2 saja ku memfocus2 segala, NGOK.

    sham, awu eh! malas ku bising2. biar ya.


  4. 😀 no problemo maurina. nope.. not yet. gonna do the assignment tonite. last minute work as usual. i dun even read the articles yet. hehehe 🙂


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